L.T.Malaya Therapy National Institute of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine
(L.T.Malaya NIT NAMSU)
(057) 373-90-00 (057) 373-90-50

(057) 373-90-00 (057) 373-90-50
Department of Ischemic Heart Disease
Department of Reanimation and Intensive Care
Department of Gastroenterology and Therapy
Department of Hypertension and Kidney Diseases
Clinical and Diagnostic Therapeutic Department
Department of Functional and Ultrasound Diagnostics
Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory with Bacteriological Department
L.T.Malaya Therapy National Institute of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine
(057) 373-90-50
(057) 373-90-67
2 а, Lyubovi Maloy ave., c. Kharkiv, 61039, Ukraine