L.T.Malaya Therapy National Institute of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine
(L.T.Malaya NIT NAMSU)
(057) 373-90-00 (057) 373-90-50

(057) 373-90-00 (057) 373-90-50
April 25, 2013 an agreement was signed between SI "National Institute for Therapy. L.T.Maloyi NAMS Ukraine "and the Republican specialized scientific-practical medical center of therapy and medical rehabilitation of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
L.T.Malaya Therapy National Institute of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine
(057) 373-90-50
(057) 373-90-67
2 а, Lyubovi Maloy ave., c. Kharkiv, 61039, Ukraine