L.T.Malaya Therapy National Institute of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine
(L.T.Malaya NIT NAMSU)
(057) 373-90-00 (057) 373-90-50

(057) 373-90-00 (057) 373-90-50
The development of the Ukrainian therapeutic school in the second half of the 20th century is directly connected with the name of Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academy of Medical Sciences (AMS) of Ukraine, Russian AMS, Hero of Socialist Labor, Hero of Ukraine, founder and the first director of the Government Institution “L.T. Malaya Therapy National Institute of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” the Government Institution “L.T. Malaya Therapy National Institute of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” Lyubov Trokhimivna Malaya.
The life path of academician L.T. Malaya, which is included in many biographical publications and encyclopedias, is striking even in a concise statement: Winner of the State Prize of the USSR (1980), the Prize named after M.D. Strazhesko (1983, 1997), the Prize named after P.I. Shatilov (1981, 1983, 1987), the Prize named after S.I. Vavilov (1989), Academic Prize in Clinical Medicine of Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine (1995, 2000). L.T. Malaya was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1960), Bogdan Khmelnitsky III degree (1995), Yaroslav Mudryi V degree (1998), the Order of the State and the Gold Medal of the Polish Academy of Medical Sciences (1999); awarded the title Hero of Socialist Labor and Gold Medal "Hammer and Sickle" (1979); Hero of Ukraine with the award of the Order of the Power "Golden Star" (1999), the Order of the Patriotic War II degree (1985), 14 medals. For the cycle of fundamental works on cardiology "Studies of the fundamental mechanisms of the action of nitric oxide on the cardiovascular system as the basis of the pathogenetic treatment of its diseases" L.T. Malaya was posthumously awarded the State Prize of Ukraine (2003).
The scientific and social activities of Academician L.T. Malaya have received world recognition. For example, in 1996, the United States Biographical Institute awarded L.T. Malaya L.T. Malaya the honorary title of “Person of the Year” and awarded her with the “International Cultural Honor Diploma” (1997). The International European Biographical Center (Cambridge, United Kingdom) since 1998 has been including her name in the publication “2000 Outstanding Scientists of the 20th Century”. Since November 1997, L.T. Malaya was the Deputy General Director of the International Biographical Center for Europe (Cambridge, England), member of the International Association of Internists (1977), full member of the International Society of Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy (1993), member of the International Society of Arterial Hypertension (1997).
Academician L.T. Malaya is the founder of a powerful modern school of therapists and cardiologists, the author of over 700 scientific papers, 32 monographs. Among them: "Lung cancer" (1965), "Ischemic heart disease in young people" (1978), "Microcirculation in cardiology" (1977), "Myocardial infarction" (1981), "Treatment of diseases of cardiovascular system" (1982), "Heart rhythms" (1993),"Chronic circulatory failure" (1994),"Cardiac glycosides" (1996),"Endothelial dysfunction in cardiovascular pathology" (2000),"Therapy" (2001), “Chronic Heart Failure” (2002). Scientific developments of Academician L.T. Malaya is protected by 25 security documents, 5 copyright certificates, 20 patents of Ukraine and other countries. Under the leadership of Academician L.T. Malaya, 38 doctoral and 188 PhD theses were defended. For more than 30 years (1972–2003) L.T. Malaya was the permanent Chairman of the Specialized Academic Council for the award of scientific degrees (in therapy, cardiology and pediatrics) at the Kharkiv Medical Institute (KMI), later renamed Kharkiv State Medical University (KSMU).
L.T. Malaya was born on January 13, 1919 in the Kopani village, Orekhovsky District, Zaporozhye Region. In the 1930s, her father moved the family to the city to improve financial situation and educate their children. Having decided to devote herself to medicine, in 1933-1938 L.T. Malaya studied at the medical faculty of the KMI. In those years, Professor D.E. Alpern, I.R. Braude, I.I. Fainshmidt, V.M. Zhabotinsky, N.M. Kharitonov, P.L. Shupik etc. were lecturers. At the age of 19, L.T. Malaya received a medical degree.
L.T. Malaya began her career as a doctor at an ambulatory clinic and hospital in the Petrovenka village of Krasnoluchansk district, Voroshilovgrad (now Lugansk) region (1938–1941). During the period of the Great Patriotic War, from June 1941 to September 1946, the future Academician was in the ranks of the Soviet Army, from 1941 to 1943 she was part of the troops of the Southern, North Caucasus and Transcaucasian Fronts. In those years, L.T. Malaya was a medical doctor, deputy head of the sorting hospital, evacuation hospitals N1602 and 3416, deputy head of the medical department of the Kharkiv Military District. For military and medical achievements, she was awarded the medals "For Military Merit", "For participation in the heroic defense of the Caucasus", "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War."
After the war in 1946-1949, L.T. Malaya was a clinical intern, 1949–1952 - Assistant, 1952-1954 - Doctoral student, 1954-1955 - Associate Professor of the Department of Therapy. The teacher and mentor of L.T. Malaya L.T. Malaya was a student of academician M.D. Strazhesko, Professor Solomon Yakovich Steinberg. Professor Steinberg (1891–1968) was an outstanding therapist with a wide range of scientific interests (from issues of pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular and endocrine pathology to the study of the functional parameters of the heart, the creation of new medical devices). According to the memoirs of L.T. Malaya, Steinberg was a talented scientist, an excellent, humane doctor, a demanding, but wise, fair and sincere person. “I deeply respected and sincerely loved my teacher. It can be said without exaggeration that he played a big role in my creative destiny. A true teacher lives two lives - his life and the life of his student. S.YA. Steinberg had a developed feeling - to live the lives of his students, to understand them, to help, to give wise advice”, said Academician L.T. Malaya.
In 1950, L.T. Malaya defended her PhD thesis on "Tuberculin diagnostics in the clinic of internal diseases", in 1954 - doctoral thesis "On changes in the cardiovascular system in tuberculosis". Full member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, member of the Presidium of the International Society of Therapists and Cardiologists, winner of the International Golden Stethoscope Award, Professor A.L. Myasnikov wrote about the significance of doctoral thesis of L.T. Malaya: “I can definitely say that there is no such work in the domestic or foreign medical literature, which has been done so carefully and widely”. For her outstanding achievements in the field of therapy and cardiology, at the end of the 20th century, Academician L.T. Malaya was awarded the memorable “Golden Stethoscope”.
From 1955, L.T. Malaya was a professor, and from 1961 until the end of her life, she was the Head of the department of hospital therapy at the KMI, later KSMU.
After work in the field of phthisiatry, the main directions of scientific activity of Academician L.T. Malaya therapy and cardiology have become. She devoted her activities to studying the characteristics of the cardiovascular system in atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, hypertension, acute myocardial infarction, and heart failure; studies of the pressor and depressor systems of the neurohumoral regulation of the body in diseases of internal organs; basic research in cardiology, gastroenterology, nephrology, pulmonology, clinical pharmacotherapy.
Monographs of L.T. Malaya have become “desktop” for several generations of doctors and received high praise from world-renowned scientists. Hero of Socialist Labor, Laureate of the Lenin and State awards, Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR, Professor E.M. Tareev wrote about the monograph of L.T. Malaya "Ischemic Heart Disease in Young" (1978): "... to comprehend such a possession of the subject and perfection of presentation, simplicity, clarity, brevity of formulations with full convincing, as your talent did, I think none of our modern cardiologists can".
For the monographs "Myocardial Infarction" and "Cardiac glycosides" L.T. Malaya during her lifetime she was awarded the nominal prizes of leading figures of domestic medicine - S.P. Botkin, M.D. Strazhesko, S.I. Vavilov, P.I. Shatilov. Scientific and human merits of L.T. Malaya have found nationwide recognition: Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR (1967); Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine (1968); Full Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR (1974); USSR State Prize Laureate (1980); Full Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (1991); Full Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1992); the initiator of the foundation of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine and its Full Member (1993).
Academician L.T. Malaya was not only a famous scientist, an excellent clinician, but also the largest health care organizer in the Kharkiv region. Thus L.T. Malaya, first in Ukraine in the 70s 20th century introduced into practice the system of phased treatment of patients with myocardial infarction (stationary, sanatorium and outpatient stages). On the initiative of L.T. Malaya, the cardiological ambulance brigades, rehabilitation departments in hospitals, and a suburban cardiology sanatorium are introduced into the structure of cardiological assistance to the Kharkiv population.
In 1984, under the leadership of L.T. Malaya, for the first time in the Kharkiv region, in the intensive care units, patients with myocardial infarction began to conduct systemic thrombolysis with streptase. Mortality from myocardial infarction in clinics of our city in those years was two times less than in Ukraine as a whole.
Raised on the famous traditions of the therapeutic school of Academician M.D. Strazhesko and Kharkiv therapeutic school of Prof. A.H. Kuznetsov, P.I. Shatilov, K.G. Georgievsky, V.M. Kogan-Yasny and others, L.T. Malaya has managed to create her own scientific school.
In order to provide the existing structure of therapeutic care in the Eastern region of Ukraine with the only methodological and organizational guidance, in 1986, her dream and her life's work were realized - on the basis of the branch of the M.D. Strazhesko Ukrainian Research Institute of Cardiology, the Kharkiv Research Institute of Therapy was organized. In the institute, besides the already existing wards of the cardiac profile, the departments of gastroenterology, pulmonology, and nephrology have been opened. Today, the National Institute of Therapy with honor bears the name of the founder and first director of the Academician of the National Academy of Sciences and NAMS of Ukraine, RAMS Lyubov Trokhimivna Malaya.
L.T. Malaya died April 14, 2003 after a severe short illness in the 85th year of life. She was buried in Kharkiv, in the Heroes Alley at the 2nd cemetery, where in 2004, where in 2004 her bronze bust was installed. Memorial plaques of Academician L.T. Malaya were installed on the facades of the Government Institution “L.T. Malaya Therapy National Institute of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” and Kharkiv National Medical University. In order to perpetuate the memory of L.T. Malaya, by the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine N 213-p dated April 9, 2004, the Institute of Therapy of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine was named after L.T. Malaya, and 2017 in Kharkiv, Avenue "Lyubov Malaya" (on which the Government Institution “L.T. Malaya Therapy National Institute of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” is located) named after her.
Students of Academician L.T. Malaya became well-known scientists, organizers and leaders of medical science and practical health care, directors of scientific institutions, and heads of departments in Kharkiv, Zaporizhia, Sumy, Ternopil, Ashgabat, Tashkent, Lugansk, Almaty, Kishinev and other medical institutes. Among graduate students and clinical interns of the department, which was headed by L.T. Malaya were doctors from Germany, Iran, Palestine, Laos, Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, Vietnam, Colombia, Nepal, Jordan and other countries.
«The power to live and work gives me the love of my chosen specialty, the knowledge that my life and work are for the benefit of humanity ...»
Academician L.T. Malaya (1999)
L.T. Malaya with academicians in the Winter Garden of the Institute (1999)
At the awards ceremony «Honorary Citizen of Kharkiv» (1999р.)
The inauguration of a memorial plaque in honor of Academician L.T. Malaya on the facade of the main building of Kharkiv National Medical University, in which she worked from 1946 to 2003 (April 14, 2004)
Desktop of Academician L.T. Malaya in the museum of the Institute
Desktop of Academician L.T. Malaya in the museum of the Institute
L.T.Malaya Therapy National Institute of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine
(057) 373-90-50
(057) 373-90-67
2 а, Lyubovi Maloy ave., c. Kharkiv, 61039, Ukraine