L.T.Malaya Therapy National Institute of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine
(L.T.Malaya NIT NAMSU)
(057) 373-90-00 (057) 373-90-50

(057) 373-90-00 (057) 373-90-50
(tel: (057) 370-61-79, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
The Department was created in 2013 by combining the Departments of Scientific-organizational Work and Scientific-medical Information with the Library (which have been in the structure of the scientific divisions of the Institute since its opening).
The main research areas are the development of new methodological approaches to the prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases of internal organs; providing effective information support of scientific research using modern information technologies, medical, scientific and patent resources; information support in the use of scientific communication in medical practice; organization of protectable decisions and execution of applications for obtaining patents of Ukraine or certificates of registration of copyright in a work; computer programs; promotion of the implementation of innovation strategy in the Institution; informational and organizational support of the scientific and medical forums of the Institute.
Tasks and functions of the Department
- planning and entering into the “Register of Congresses, Symposia and Scientific Meetings ...” scientific and medical forums held by the Institute;
- planning, organizing and conducting scientific Meetings in the regions of Ukraine in the framework of “L.T. Malaya School of Therapists”;
- planning, organizing and holding the Therapist's Day, Cardiologist's Day and other scientific and organizational events in conjunction with the Meetings of Scientific Medical Societies held at the Institute;
- assistance in introducing scientific achievements into practice by submitting a list of scientific products intended for introducing the achievements of the institute into the annual NAMS Newsletter;
- ensuring the practical application of the results of research works carried out in the scientific divisions of the institute in the work of healthcare institutions in Kharkiv, Kharkiv region and other regions of Ukraine according to the Plan of proposals for implementations;
- participation in the preparation of the annual report on the research work of research departments;
- reporting to higher organizations on scientific and medical forums held at the Institute;
- posting on the Institute Website the information about scientific and medical events held at the Institute;
- providing scientific information and intellectual activity of the Institute;
- formation and preservation of scientific and information resources with the aim of their effective use in the processes of patent information development as an accompaniment to all stages of research work;
- carrying out work on mastering new scientific and information technologies to increase the scientific and information competence of the Institute's specialists;
- carrying out patent information works as part of research processes in accordance with the scientific themes of the Institute: advice on the creation and protection of intellectual property (inventions, utility models, computer programs, etc.);
- advisory assistance in the preparation of the main media of scientific communication for the implementation of innovative technologies in medicine: the preparation of information letters, guidelines with the stamp of the Ministry of Healthcare for further examination and printing at the Ukrainian Center for Scientific Medical Information and Patent and Licensing Work;
- ensuring the functioning of the scientific library and the museum of the Institute;
- indexation (UDC) of articles, titles of dissertation topics and search subjects for them;
- verification of the scientific production of the Institute (articles, theses, etc.) for academic integrity (the presence of plagiarism);
- analysis of trends in publications in leading international scientific journals in the field of internal and preventive medicine;
- carrying out work on the maintenance of the staff profiles of the institute in the scientometric databases (Google Scholаr and Science Index), as well as the profile of the Institute in the database Google Scholar and “Ukrainian citation index”;
- work on the registration of the Institution’s staff in the ORCID;
- development of a questionnaire for risk factors for non-communicable diseases;
- creation of an electronic database (according to the survey).
Promising areas of work include the organization of medical care for patients with comorbid pathology.
The most important results
- creation of a database of the state of morbidity, the prevalence of the main nosological forms and the state of health of the population in different regions of Ukraine has begun;
- the algorithm for monitoring risk factors and choosing a strategy for preventing cardiovascular diseases and the algorithm for the optimal use of the medical, scientific and patent resources of the Internet for information support of research in medicine were developed;
- Website of the Institute was created with the participation of the Department staff.
The library created and constantly updated:
The total library fund has more than 22 thousand copies. These are monographs, manuals, teaching aids, collections of scientific papers, journals, dissertation abstracts, dissertations, guidelines, informational letters.
The staff of the Department published over 900 scientific papers, received 4 patents of Ukraine and 2 certificates of registration of copyright, printed 9 methodical recommendations. Together with the staff of the Institute, about 400 applications for various intellectual property objects were identified and filed, more than 300 security documents were received.
Over the past 10 years, in all regions of Ukraine more than 45 field scientific-practical Meetings were held within the framework of “L.T. Malaya School of Therapists”, at which more than 900 scientific developments of the Institution were implemented. During this time, more than 40,000 doctors have improved their skills on the basis of the Government Institution “L.T. Malaya Therapy National Institute of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” and on-site scientific-practical Meetings and Seminars.
Since 2016, with the participation of the Department under the auspices of the public organization “Ukrainian Association of Preventive Medicine”, twice a year, scientific Symposia of the preventive direction are held at the Institute. Since 2018, the Department, together with the Department of Metrology, has been working on upgrading the Institute’s website with filling its new version with modern information about the Institute and its departments.
According to the requirements of the legislation, documentation for the preparation of candidates for higher education with a PhD degree at the Institute has been created.
Staff members of the department:
L.T.Malaya Therapy National Institute of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine
(057) 373-90-50
(057) 373-90-67
2 а, Lyubovi Maloy ave., c. Kharkiv, 61039, Ukraine