The Department of Arterial Hypertension and Prevention of Its Complications has existed since the opening of the Institute (since 1981).
The first head of the department was a talented clinician, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Yuri Mikhailovich Vasiliev (1981-1996). Yu.M. Vasiliev made a significant contribution to the development of non-pharmacological and pharmacological methods of treatment of various forms of arterial hypertension - from "mild" to resistant. Under his leadership, a series of works were carried out on the problem of epidemiology and prevention of arterial hypertension at a large industrial enterprise in the city, magnetic laser therapy of the initial stage of this disease, efferent therapy of resistant hypertension, differential diagnosis and treatment of secondary arterial hypertension.
Associate Professor Yu.M. Vasiliev is the author of 167 scientific works, including 2 manuals, 7 guidelines, 9 patents for inventions. Under his supervision, 3 Ph.D. theses were defended in the specialty "Cardiology".
From 1996 to the present, the department is headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Sergei Nikolaevich Koval.
Tasks and functions of the department
- Study of the most important mechanisms of development and progression of essential arterial hypertension, symptomatic (secondary) arterial hypertension and their cardiovascular and renal сomplications in patients with various internal diseases (type 2 diabetes, obesity, gout, coronary heart disease, heart failure).
- Development of highly informative methods for early diagnosis and prediction of target organs damage in essential hypertensive disease and symptomatic arterial hypertension in patients with various internal diseases.
- Development of pathogenetically grounded methods of treatment of essential arterial hypertension and symptomatic (secondary) arterial hypertension of high and very high risk and their cardiovascular and renal complications in patients with various internal diseases.
- Development of effective approaches to primary and secondary prevention of arterial hypertension in patients with various diseases of internal organs with the purpose of preventing or inhibiting the development and progression of life-threatening complications.
- Conducting research work in accordance with the tasks of the department. Organization the selection of thematic patients for the performance of scientific research.
- Organization and conducting an in-depth examination of thematic patients in accordance with modern requirements and plans of research works.
Conducting consultative work in the clinic of the Institute and medical work in the Department of hypertension and kidney disease.
- Study of the most significant mechanisms of the pathogenesis of essential arterial hypertension, secondary (symptomatic) arterial hypertension and their сomplications in patients with various internal diseases.
Regular publication of the results of works in professional domestic and foreign publications.
- Presentation of research results at republican and international scientific congresses, scientific and practical conferences, symposiums and round tables.
- Patenting of new and effective methods of diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and prevention of essential arterial hypertension, symptomatic (secondary) arterial hypertension and their complications in patients with various internal diseases, obtaining copyright for service works.
Wide introduction of research results into the practice of health care in Ukraine.
- Sanitary and educational work among the population on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of essential arterial hypertension, symptomatic (secondary) arterial hypertension and their complications.
Main scientific directions:
- The study of neurohumoral, hormonal, membrane-cellular, immune, metabolic, hemodynamic and structural-functional mechanisms of the development of essential arterial hypertension, symptomatic (secondary) arterial hypertension and their disorders in patients with various internal diseases.
- Development of methods for early and differential diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and prevention of various types of arterial hypertension and their complications, especially when combined with the pathology of internal organs.
- Since 2020, the department began to study the role of intestinal microbiota in the development of humoral, immune and epigenetic disorders in patients with arterial hypertension with obesity.
Major results of researches
- The main structural and haemodynamical regularities of development and progress of arterial hypertension have been established. The role of prostaglandins, opioide and sodium-uretics peptides, endothelin-1, hymase, neuropeptide Y in development of different forms of arterial hypertension was identified.
- The key role of interleukins 1 and 2, membranous-cellular changes in pathogenesis of arterial hypertensions and its complications were showed.
- The feature of daily profile of arterial pressure for patients with the different forms of essential hypertension and symptomatic hypertensions was identified.
- The conformity to natural laws of changes of leptin and insulin-resistance on the stages of development and progression of metabolic syndrome for patients with arterial hypertension and the optimal methods of the combined therapy of these patients were worked out. It was found out role of insulin-like factor of growth-1 and transforming factor of growth in the processes of heart and vessels remodeling at combination of two most widespread pathologies – arterial hypertension and type 2 of diabetes mellitus.
- The informing algorithms of early and differential diagnostics of symptomatic arterial hypertensions were created.
- The effective nonmedicamentous (laser, magnet-therapy, quantum haemotherapy) and medicamentous (with the use of new preparations) methods of treatment of arterial hypertension in that number, on a background the concomitant diseases of internal organs were elaborated.
- System of prophylaxis of arterial hypertension and its complications for patients with different concomitant pathology at the level of domestic medicine departments was developed.
The department was one of the initiators of creation in Ukraine the National program of prophylaxis and treatment of arterial hypertension and conducts large work in this direction in the country and in a region.
The department cooperates with the Department of Biophysics of V.N. Karazin university, Institute for Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, State Institution "V.Ya.Danilevsky Institute Problems of Endocrine Pathology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine", State Institution "Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine", Department of Cardiac Arrhythmias, NSC “Institute of Cardiology named after N.D.Strazhesko of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Department of Cardiology, Medical University, Lodz, Poland
- The department carries out Joint scientific project of the All-Ukrainian Association of Cardiologists of Ukraine (Professor O.S. Sychev, Head of the Department of Cardiac Arrhythmias, NSC “Institute of Cardiology named after N.D.Strazhesko of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine) and the Fund for Cardiological Education in Central and Eastern Europe (CARDICA) (President - Professor Hudzik, Head of the Department of Cardiology, Medical University, Lodz, Poland) "Predictors of restoration and maintenance of sinus rhythm in patients with atrial fibrillation and / or atrial flutter with arterial hypertension and ischemic heart disease."
- International multicenter academic study - Mobility Hypertension Management Study, which is conducted in 20 centers in 16 European countries under the coordination of the International Society of Vascular Health (ISVH®), France, curated by J. Topouchian (the study is dedicated to optimizing the control and increasing the effectiveness of the treatment of arterial hypertension)
The employees of department based on results of research works had published over 800 scientific labors, 8 monographs, 18 methodical recommendations were given out, 45 copyright certificates and patents were received, 2 doctorate and 24 candidate's dissertations were defended. More than 90 science published behind the cordon. A manager of department is by the coauthor of recommendations of Ukrainian society of cardiologists on a prophylaxis and treatment of arterial hypertension and recommendations on diagnostics, treatment and prophylaxis of metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus. The clinical base of department is branch of hypertension and diseases of kidneys, which heads by a candidate of medical science, high-category doctor V.S.Konkova.
Staff members of the department:
Koval Sergiy
Snihurska Iryna
Starchenko Tatyana
Miloslavsky Dmitry
Penkova Marina
Bozhko Vadim
Mysnychenko Olga
Yushko Kostiantyn
Reznik Larisa