Babichev Denys Petrovich

Junior Researcher, Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacogenetics of Noncommunicable Diseases.

      Has medical specialties: internal medicine, ultrasound diagnostics.

      Scientific experience 2 years, clinical experience 11 years.

      Education: 2003-2009 - Medical Faculty, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University; 2009-2011 - internship in the specialty "Internal Medicine" at the Kharkov Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education; 2014 - specialization "Ultrasound diagnostics".

      Advanced training in the thematic improvement cycles, Pre-certification cycle: 2016, 2019r - Pre-certification cycle in the specialty "Internal Medicine", 2018r - TU cycle on ultrasound diagnostics.

      He began work on his Ph.D. thesis on the problems of diagnosis and prediction of the course of heart failure of ischemic etiology in patients with diabetes mellitus.

      The main areas of work: diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, the formation of approaches to the individualization of pharmacotherapy for non-communicable diseases, in particular, chronic heart failure.