Rodionova Iuliia Valerievna, Researcher of the Department of Prevention and Treatment of Emergency Conditions, Ph.D. (Medicine).
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In 2006 – graduated from Kharkiv State Medical University.
In 2015 - defended Ph.D. "Diagnostic significance of the new method of evaluation of myocardial morpho-functional capabilities, heart dyssynchrony, and optimization of treatment in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with chronic heart failure".
Has medical specialties: therapy (highest category), cardiology. Scientific experience - 11 years, clinical experience - 15 years.
Activities: she is directly involved in the implementation of research work of the Department of Prevention and Treatment of Emergency Conditions. She is engaged in medical work in the intensive care unit of the institute and consulting work in the polyclinic.
Scientific experience: 11 years. Has been working at the institute since 2015.
Publications: 150 publications, including 5 utility model patents.
Member of the HFA of the ESC Member, member of the European society on atherosclerosis, member of the European Heart Rhytm Association.