Titarenko Nathalia Vladimirovna, Researcher of the Department of Prevention and Treatment of Emergency Conditions, PhD.
e-mail: ntytarenko7 @ gmail.com
In 1997 she graduated from Kharkov State Medical University. She was postgraduate student at the Institute of Therapy since 2001 and has defended her dissertation for the PhD degree "Features of therapeutic efficacy of beta-blockers in preventing the development and progression of heart failure in patients with acute myocardial infarction".
Types of activity: is engaged in implementation of an instrumental fragment of research topic - ultrasound diagnostics and introduction of a new technique - speckle tracking echocardiography at patients with an acute myocardial infarction and patients with other cardiac pathology. She takes a direct part in the implementation of the research of the Institute.
Scientific experience: 24 years. She has been working at the institute since 2004.
Publications: 181 printed works, including 5 Declarative patents
She was awarded a diploma of the administration of the Institute for many years of hard work, high professionalism and personal contribution to the development of medical science.